OK, so from the marketers standpoint if they want clicks in their banners they need to be attractive, and accomplish with what is expected with the brand they try to communicate. That is obvious.. I thought so..
OK, so here the story.. today I was skiming through an online Spanish newspaper and I saw a banner from my beloved business school (Instituto de Empresa) and these sentences on it:
"Titulación oficial. Networking global. Compatible con tu horario. Participativo, práctico y innovador"
Nice look, proper message... "Práctico e innovador"!! (practical and innovative), yes, I agree with that.. but please! take care of details! a rule in the Spanish language says that before a work starting with 'i' instead of 'y' (which means 'and') you use 'e'. So, beware of those kind of things if you really want your banners to be useful! :)
If I want a practical innovative solution of technology for my company I will not click on a banner with an old man holding a bunch of cables... This picture shows what I mean by a bad manner of using a banner (or more technically: marketing misuse).
Don't want people to think bad about my school... Everybody makes mistakes..